As is my habit, after purchasing a new stone, I leave it sit for a bit in earth salts to both cleanse and allow it to adjust to the new energies. I then rinse it gently in water, imagining a white light pouring through it, then after carefully drying it, sit with it and take notes about my first reactions.
WIth nuummite I immediately got an image of Merlin, and then the Magician tarot card. I sensed as well that this was an ancient stone magically (yes, all stones technically are ancient I am aware; emphasis 'magically'). I could feel discoveries and alchemists poring over it, that it was deliberately imbued with energies to help create magical flow. Other words I noted:
- Grounding, but allowing magic to flow. Very protective, almost a watcher of sorts.
- Psychologically assistive. Good with depression or confused thinking
- A good dream worker - likes to center the subconscious
- Works well with labradorite and moonstone (perhaps any feldspar), a natural partner to Herkimer diamond.
- LOVES being placed in full moonlight and rain.
- Benefits from being buried in the earth every few months to dispel negative energies
- Cosmically significant. Holds company with stars and storms.
Mars and Scorpio
Water and Earth - very dual natured, but in a safe and protective way, yet again with a very stormy quality.
Physically, it's one of the most moving and unique stones I've felt energetically - up there with labradorite. pietersite and moonstone as well as blue goldstone (not really a stone, but nevertheless, and at least for me, blue goldstone holds an intensely special and spectral energetic pattern). Nuummite is a stone that is powerful, yet patient, and one of the few that really likes to work magic with humanity.
Judy Hall's Crystal Bible, of which I am a glowing fan, (and which I don't consult until after doing my own reading on any stone) confirms this information, but interestingly when I did a search on Google for Nuumite further found her to list it in a PDF of Shamanic Crystals found on her site (link following this article). I've copied her invaluable information here. :
Chakra: past life, soma, opens and integrates all.
Nuummite is the sorcerer’s stone. Scintillating flashes assist in seeing beyond the outer façade, and create an inner landscape to be traversed. A protective stone,strengthening the auric shield and effective against pollutants and sorcery, Nuummite helps you to travel with stealth and sureness. It shields from sight and is a useful stone to safeguard your car. This powerful stone has an element of magic that needs to be used respectfully, with right intention, or it could rebound.
Nuummite assists in recognising past life contacts and highlights karmic debts stemming from misuse of power, reminding you not to go there again. Placed on the soma chakra it draws karmic debris out of the physical and emotional bodies. With its strong electro-magnetic field, Nuummite quickly restores energy and power that has been depleted by karmic debts, or other causes, and clears blockages including those that are self-imposed, reprogramming cellular memory. Severing entanglements that stem from past manipulation or incantations, Nuummite removes difficulties that arise from another person’s misguided sense of still needing to protect or guide you. Having cleansed the spurious sense of self that derives from those experiences, Nuummite then connects you to your true self. Cutting through to your core, it allows you to reprogram your thoughts and to be responsible for your
own protection. At the same time, Nuummite teaches respect and honour, fulfilling obligations and promises that are relevant to life today, encouraging serendipitous synchronicity. This stone aligns the aura with the physical body, and also removes mental implants from an extraterrestrial or magical source. Nuummite should be set in silver, especially for ritual working. This stone works well combined with Novaculite, which provides spiritual guidance as to its use.
In all, this stone has been added to my own collection of stones that I consider shamanic, and will work with on a regular basis.
An interesting article